When you neglect your oral health, you are bound to experience cavities and gum disease. Almost all oral health issues can be traced to bacteria, which live on the sugars inside the mouth. Bacteria produce an acid that corrodes teeth, causing cavities. They form into sticky substances called plaque and tartar that are very difficult to remove. When growing underneath the gum line, bacteria also cause
gum disease. Oral Bacteria Can Place Your Health at Risk
Bacteria are the primary reason people experience tooth loss, but you may not be aware that bacteria can also create other health complications. Since the soft and hard tissues in our oral structures are very vascular, bacteria can access the blood stream and circulate throughout the body. They can infect vital organs, causing grave conditions.
There is also evidence that people in poor oral health more likely to have other medical conditions such as:
- Diabetes
- Arthritis
- Pregnancy complications
- Upper respiratory infections
- Heart Disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
Bacteria trigger an immune response in the body, which raises blood sugar levels, narrows arterial passages, inflames joints, and causes a host of other harmful reactions in the body.
Daily Hygiene Habits and Professional Dental Care are Essential to Oral Health
You may think oral hygiene is mostly about making your smile bright and attractive, and although that is certainly an important aspect, it also has serious consequences to overall health. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing are one of the easiest ways you can keep your oral health optimal. Seeing your dentist for routine exams and hygiene visits is also essential to address the undeserved areas in your smile.
Contact Boyd and Boyd Dentistry to Keep your Smile and Overall Health in Optimal Condition
To learn more about the importance of oral health and to receive gentle and expert care, contact Dr. Cynthia Reed Boyd and Dr. Anthony Boyd in Annapolis. At Boyd and Boyd Dentistry, we take time to explain why your oral health is important and how treatments can restore health. Call our office today!